Briquettes Into Bridges

Fourth Report & Video

May 12, 2010

View this video on YouTube (for highest quality video, change selection from 360p to 480p on the YouTube page)

While the project got off to a rough start, things have finally turned a very positive corner! In just the past couple weeks the trainees have made such remarkable emotional transformations… even veteran-trainer Dr. Zekria is amazed.

Getting a much-needed respite from the camp, working, learning to read, and making money has helped their mental states a lot, but we believe that big part of their progess is due the fact that they are beginning to realize that there are people on the outside who believe in them.

While the concept of ”sponsors” is still somewhat abstract to the Afghan trainees, they are definitely eager to participate in the communication process. Hopefully the development of these relationships will help anchor them in this project for the long haul…and continue to build some very important bridges between our countries.

Watch and enjoy!

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